
Wave and Storm at Sea

Wave and Storm at Sea

Wave and Storm at Sea

Wave and Storm at Sea


BlackFish is a fast, highly secure, content management system developed by CEV for organizations focused on ocean science. The open-source web application employs a modular architecture that can be tailored to individual client needs. 

BlackFish utilizes the Foundation and Grails frameworks. Foundation enables a mobile-first responsive UI. Grails enables a speedy, service-oriented architecture that is easily extended to accommodate different user interfaces by providing various APIs.

The BlackFish permission system allows the creation of roles (user groups) that can be assigned distinct permissions (for example, Administrator, Page Author, Follower, etc.). It also allows users to quickly and easily view and edit a site from any device, as well as modify the site without any knowledge of HTML or scripting languages.

BlackFish Features

Wave and Storm at Sea

Wave and Storm at Sea

Wave and Storm at Sea

Wave and Storm at Sea
