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Example Java Server Pages

Project 3 Requirements and Other Example JSPs

We are using Java Server Page (JSP) technology in our class to present dynamic data within our Project 3 Web pages. We are coding to perform two primary tasks: Adding new data to a server-side database and retrieving and presenting data from a server-side database. The JSP engine (named Tomcat) continues to be improved and extended as this course evolves over the years. Because it is now possible to perform our main JSP tasks without seeing any actual Java code, I present an alternative way of doing Project 3 dynamic pages below the first two examples I suggest you pattern your work after.

The key to you learning JSP technology well is understanding what the different parts of the JSP do. Use a top-down investigation and then learn the details once you understand the major functionality. We will go over those categories in class. All you are responsible for in this class is recognizing these various patterns (just as I asked of you with basic XML understanding) and being able to substitute processing steps into the various examples I provide. Everyone grasps it eventually so keep at it. Keep going over the examples provided for you here on this page.

Project 3 Requirements

Please implement project 3 in the /usr/www/498 directory of the server. You will find a directory with your initials in that directory.

To be successful on project 3, you must successfully implement the form and two JSP documents I have provided you in lab on Monday, May 22nd. The code is reviewed here to assist your understanding. After you have implemented these three documents successfully within your Web site, you should continue with the documents I request you create from scratch further below. The first document I provide here is an AddCustomer.html form which lets you add a new record to the Customer table (remember that you can study the database schema from the SQL commands that generated it here).

Implement the New Customer Form provided by the code at

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
	<title>New Customer Form</title>
        <link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' >		
    <body bgcolor="#ffffb0">
      <form method="GET" action="addcustomer.jsp">
        <p class=heading>New Customer Form</p>
            <tr class=white_border>
                <td class=tableitem align=right>Name:</td>
                <td class=tableitem><input type="text" name="Name" size="50"></td>
            <tr class=white_border>
                <td class=tableitem align=right>Address:</td>
                <td class=tableitem><input type="text" name="Address" size="50"></td>
            <tr class=white_border>
                <td class=tableitem align=right>City:</td>
                <td class=tableitem> 
                        <input type="text" name="City" size="20"> 
                        <td class=tableitem> State: </td><td>
                        <select name="State" size="1">
                            <option value="OR">AK                     
                            <option value="OR">ID                     
                            <option value="OR">OR                     
                            <option value="WA" selected>WA
            <tr class=white_border>
                <td class=tableitem align=right>Initials:</td>
                <td class=tableitem><input type="text" name="Initials" size="50"></td>
            <tr class=white_border>
                <td class=tableitem><input type=hidden name=Accesscount value=0></td>
                <td class=tableitem><center><input type="submit" name="supplier" value="add"></center></td>

Important form processing comments about the form code here:

  • Note the FORM element has a METHOD attribute with value GET. GET passes CGI data back to the server via the Web browser address bar. If you don't want to show the data being passed for privacy or security issues, use a METHOD=POST attribute pair. GET is better for debugging errors in your form processing though.
  • Note that every form control element (INPUT or SELECT) has a NAME attribute. This NAME attribute identifies processing variable names to the JSP script that will process the form. This point is relevent even if you were to use PHP, PERL, Python, C, etc. I recommend using the database attribute name all the way through the process from form to JSP to database SQL command.
  • Remember you need a submit button to appear within your FORM element. The submit button automatically submits the form data via the Common Gateway Interface back to your form processing script.
  • The form processing script is identified by the form ACTION attribute value. Make sure you point your form to your JSP via an absolute or relative URL as the form's ACTION attribute value.

    <TITLE>New Customer Add Report</TITLE>
    <META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>
    <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF=style.css TYPE=text/css>
<body bgcolor=#ffff99>

    // Obtain our environment naming context 
    Context initContext = new InitialContext(); 

    // Look up our data source 
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/environ");

    // Allocate and use a connection from the pool  
    java.sql.Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    // create and execute the query
    java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;
    String error = "Successful Add of New Customer on " + (new Date().getMonth()+1) + "-" + (new Date().getDate()+1) + "-" + (1900 + new Date().getYear());
    String command = "INSERT INTO Customer VALUES ('" + request.getParameter("Name") + "','" + 
                                                     request.getParameter("Address") + "','" + 
                                                     request.getParameter("City") + "','" + 
                                                     request.getParameter("State") + "'," + 
                                                     "1,' " + (new Date().getMonth()+1) + "-" + 
                                                              (new Date().getDate()+1) + "-" + 
                                                              (1900 + new Date().getYear()) + "','" +
                                                     request.getParameter("Initials") + "')";
    //Get the identifier of the menu item to display
    try {
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            if (exp.toString().compareTo("java.lang.NullPointerException")!=0) {
                error = exp.toString();
<H3><%= command %></H3>
<H3><%= error %></H3>

Notes to consider regarding the new customer JSP above:

  • The text in red sets up a connection to our course database using the Java SQL package which is requested by the page directive (the first line in the JSP)
  • The text in green sets up the error processing
  • The text in blue sets up the SQL command. Note the use of quotation marks to break the SQL command String into pieces. Java requires quotation marks around Strings and substrings. The + symbol works as a concatenator operator when connecting substrings in the Java language. The commas and single-quotes are actually required by proper SQL command syntax (the double-quotes and plus symbols are for Java processing only)
  • The text in brown disconnects the Java connection from the database. Be sure to do this for all SQL commands!
Now, Implement the Forecast Report provided by the code at
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" language="java" import="java.util.Date" import="javax.naming.*" import="javax.sql.*" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<title>Forecast Report</title>
<link href=style.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all>

    // Obtain our environment naming context 
    Context initContext = new InitialContext(); 

    // Look up our data source 
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/environ");

    // Allocate and use a connection from the pool  
    java.sql.Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    // create and execute the query
    java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;
    String error = "";
    String heading = "Forecast as of Hour " + new (Date().getHours()+1) + " on " + (new Date().getMonth()+1) + "-" + 
                      (new Date().getDate()+1) + "-" + (1900 + new Date().getYear()) + "<p>(at sewage outfall pipe site)";
    //Get the forecast data to display
    String query = "SELECT DataItem.Name, Forecast.Value, DataItem.Units " +
                   "FROM DataItem, Forecast, Location, Model, Run, TimeStep " + 
                   "WHERE Location.Latitude>48.33 AND Location.Latitude<48.35 AND " + 
                   "Location.Longitude>-126.38 AND Location.Longitude<-126.36 AND Model.Name='POM' AND " + 
                   "Run.Date='05-04-2006' AND TimeStep.Time IN ('12:00:00', '24:00:00', '36:00:00') AND " +
                   "DataItem.Name IN ('oceantemp', 'salinity', 'current') AND Run.RunID = Timestep.RunFK AND " +
                   "Model.ModelID = Run.ModelFK AND DataItem.DataItemID = Forecast.DataItemFK AND " +
                   "TimeStep.TimeStepID=Forecast.TimeStepFK AND Location.LocationID = Forecast.LocationFK " + 
                   "ORDER BY TimeStep.Time, DataItem.Name";    
    <H3 class=heading><%=heading %></H3>
            <TR class=white_border>
                <TH>12 hr</TH>
                <TH>24 hr</TH>
                <TH>48 hr</TH>
    try {   
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
            int x=0;

            String dataitem [] = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
            double value [] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
            String units [] = {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };

            while( {
                //Fill the arrays    
                dataitem[x] = rs.getString("Name");
                value[x] = rs.getDouble("Value");
                units[x] = rs.getString("Units");
                <TR class=white_border>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= dataitem[0] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[0] %></TD> 
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[1] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[2] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= units[0] %></TD>
                <TR class=white_border>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= dataitem[1] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[3] %></TD> 
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[4] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[5] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= units[1] %></TD>
                <TR class=white_border>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= dataitem[2] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[6] %></TD> 
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[7] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= value[8] %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= units[2] %></TD>
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            error = exp.toString();  

<H3><%= error %></H3>

  • The red code creates the connection to the database similar to the form processing JSP code.
  • The blue error code processing is also similar
  • The purple code is the SQL command that queries the results we want to display. Note the use of quotation marks and plus symbols to let the code extend multiple lines. Java requires such syntax.
  • The green code processes the SQL command through use of the Java SQL package.
  • The brown code presents the results saved in Java variables at processing time.
  • The orange code disconnects the JSP from our Posgresql database engine. Do this to be a good citizen to fellow database users.

Other Project 3 Requirements

You are required to implement four more documents for Project 3. You can implement other documents as well for practice and to show off your skills. I will notice. Please create the following:

  • A Form to insert a record into the Observation table for Scientists or Customers who wish to report actual data for comparison with the forecast (name this newobservation.html).
  • A JSP document to properly process the New Observation Form you've created. A new record should appear in the database when your form is submitted (name this JSP newobservation.jsp).
  • A JSP document to report the high, low, and average values for the dataitems you decide to forecast (call this JSP stats.jsp).
  • A JSP document to show collaborations between Scientist and Customers (by name) -or- a JSP document to show all model runs completed by the forecasting system (name this JSP other.jsp).
If you complete these requirements and understand how they work to generate a basic e-commerce Web site, be happy. I will be.

Adding New Data to a Server-Side Database

I am providing you with two examples of how to use JSP technology to add data to a database via the Web. The first example of adding a new supplier of file resources to your site is functional as written (so please do include it in your Web site). Take a look at the Add Supplier Form and view the source.

Note that I provide a style sheet for you to use which will let you change the look of my contributions to your site. The style sheet provides CSS instructions that appear as:

td {font-family: arial; font-size:18px; color:#000000; width:100px}
th {font-family: arial; font-size:12px; color:#000020;}

.white_border { font-family: "arial"; font-size:12px; color:#000000; height:20px; background-color: 
                #ffffff; margin-left:10px; margin-right:1px; margin-top:1px;}
.tableitem {font-family: arial; font-size:11px; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; margin-top:0px;}
.heading { font-family: "arial"; font-size:18px; margin-left:10px; margin-right:5px; margin-top:5px;}
.small  { font-family: arial; font-size:11px; }
A:link { color: #5C3900; text-decoration: underline; }
A:visited { color: #5C3900; text-decoration: underline; }
A:hover { color: white; background: #5C3900; text-decoration: none;}
.greySmall{font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9px; color:#333333}
You should feel comfortable changing values in this style sheet to make your pages present differently than mine.

Back to the HTML form's page source. Please note that the HTML page form's ACTION attribute points to an addsupplier.jsp file on our project Web server. Our Web server (implemented using the apache Web server project software) intercepts the URL submitted by the form for processing, realizes it is a dynamic Web page request, and forwards it on to the Tomcat engine for processing. The Tomcat engine reads the JSP and processes it as instructed. The JSP code appears as presented here (with discussion below):

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" language="java" import="java.util.Date" import="javax.naming.*" import="javax.sql.*" %>

    <TITLE>Moderator Event Report</TITLE>
    <META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>
    <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF=style.css TYPE=text/css>
<body bgcolor=#ffff99>

    // Obtain our environment naming context 
    Context initContext = new InitialContext(); 

    // Look up our data source 
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/filedist");

    // Allocate and use a connection from the pool  
    java.sql.Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    // create and execute the query
    java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;

    String error = "Successful Add of New Customer on " + (new Date().getMonth()+1) + "-" + (new Date().getDate()+1) + "-" + (1900 + new Date().getYear());

    //Get the identifier of the menu item to display
    try {
            stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Supplier VALUES ('" + request.getParameter("Name") + "','" + 
                                                     request.getParameter("Password") + "'," + 
                                                     request.getParameter("Member") + ",'" + 
                                                     request.getParameter("Initials") + "')");            
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            if (exp.toString().compareTo("java.lang.NullPointerException")!=0) {
                error = exp.toString();
<H3><%= error %></H3>
The first line above tells Tomcat which language to use to process the code as well as the various Java packages being used within the pages processing commands. This line is typical as a page processing directive. The next seven lines are static text that are delivered as written (note that the percent sign, %, is used heavily to distinguished between dynamic and static text components). A dynamic processing block then starts with five Java statements that identify the data source (our filedist database) we want to process against, get a connection to that database from the postgres database pool, and instantiate the typical Connection, Statement, and ResultSet objects used in SQL command processing.

I create an error String variable and instantiate it with a message that communicates a non-error condition (the error String gets changed whenever there is an error to report). The actual interaction block of code that processes database commands should be placed inside of a try-catch block as it is above. The SQL INSERT command is proper as listed for a Java coding style. All valid SQL statements can be placed in similar blocks (see the instructions from your Project 3 requirements).

The last four lines of the JSP end the static Web page with the exception of the error variable insertion as a processing tag (note the percent signs and equal sign involved). All variables can be accessed through this pattern of access (see the reporting examples below where variable access is done much more often).

You can see a second example running by filling out and submitting the form at (from 2003's course).

The key line in the HTML code for this form is:
<FORM ACTION="" method=GET>

<!--The JSP code-->

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" language="java" import="postgresql.*" %>

<TITLE>Successful Add to Add Show Table</TITLE>
<META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>

    // Obtain our environment naming context 
    Context initContext = new InitialContext(); 

    // Look up our data source 
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/entertain");

    // Allocate and use a connection from the pool  
    java.sql.Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    // create and execute the query
    java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;

    String error="Successful Add of New Show";
    String new_id="-1";
    try {
            rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT MAX(Show_ID) AS MAX_ID FROM Show");
            if ( {
                new_id = "" + (rs.getInt(1)+1);
            } else {
                new_id = "0";
            //create new set here
            stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT into Show values (" + new_id + "," + 
                  request.getParameter("entertainer_id") + "," + request.getParameter("venue_id") + "," + 
                  request.getParameter("revenue") + "," + request.getParameter("average_age") + "," + 
                  request.getParameter("average_ticket_price") + ",'" + request.getParameter("event_date") + "'," +
                  request.getParameter("start_time") + "," + request.getParameter("attendance") + ",'498')");
    } catch (Exception exp) {
        error = exp.toString();


<!-- Put your visual HTML body content here -->

<H3><%= error %></H3>

Retrieving and Presenting Data from a Server-Side Database

The second example type I provide for you is a report JSP. Take a look at the example Moderator Event Report I provide you. The code that generates this page as a JSP follows. Take a look and then read the notes that follow it:
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" language="java" import="java.util.Date" import="javax.naming.*" import="javax.sql.*" %>

    <TITLE>Moderator Event Report</TITLE>
    <META content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type>
    <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF=style.css TYPE=text/css>
<body bgcolor=#ffff99>

    // Obtain our environment naming context 
    Context initContext = new InitialContext(); 

    // Look up our data source 
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/filedist");

    // Allocate and use a connection from the pool  
    java.sql.Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    // create and execute the query
    java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;

    String error = "";

    String heading = "Moderator Event Report for " + (new Date().getMonth()+1) + "-" + 
                      (new Date().getDate()+1) + "-" + (1900 + new Date().getYear());
    //Get the identifier of the menu item to display
    //String moderator = request.getParameter("Moderator");
    String query = "SELECT Moderator.Name AS Moderator, Review.Date AS Date, File.Rating AS Rating, " +
                   "File.Path AS Path, File.Name AS File, Review.Origname AS Original " + 
                   "FROM File, Moderator WHERE Review.ModeratorFK=Moderator.ModeratorID AND Review.FileFK=File.FileID";
    int x=1;
    <H3 class=heading><%=heading %></H3>
            <TR class=white_border>
                <TH>Moderator Name</TH>
                <TH>Review Date</TH>
                <TH>File Rating</TH>
                <TH>Original Name</TH>
    try {
            rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
            int columnCount = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
            while( {
                <TR class=white_border>
                    String name = rs.getString("Moderator");
                    String date = rs.getString("Date");	
                    int rating = rs.getInt("Rating");
                    String path =rs.getString("Path");
                    String file =rs.getString("File");
                    String original =rs.getString("Original");
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= name %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= date %></TD> 
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= rating %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= path %>/<%= file %></TD>
                    <TD class=tableitem align=center><%= original %></TD>
        } catch (Exception exp) {
            error = exp.toString();

<H3><%= error %></H3>
Take a close look at the static text commands and the dynamic processing directives. Note the pattern of identifying the Java Server Page page directive first (as a single line of code), starting your static text, making a connection to the database where your organization stores data, setting up the start of your report (including column headers), running an SQL SELECT command to get reporting results, and then processing your results in a processing loop such that the report shows one line (view record) of results per loop. Then, note how the error processing is identical to the form processing JSP examples above.

You can see a second reporting example at URL:

Of course, each time you submit the entertainment form above, you add another line to the report here!

<!--The JSP code-->

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" language="java" import="javax.naming.*" import="javax.sql.*" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

  <title>WOW - Entertainment Venue Planning</title>

  <STYLE TYPE="text/css">
	td{ font-family: arial; font-size:11px; color:#000000;}
	.white_border { font-family: "arial"; font-size:12px; color:#000000; height:200px; background-color: #ffffff; 
                    margin-left:10px; margin-right:1px; margin-top:1px;}
	.white_border_text { font-family: "arial"; font-size:11px; margin-left:10px; margin-right:5px; margin-top:5px;}
	.small  { font-family: arial; font-size:9px; }
	.plain_text {font-family: arial; font-size:10px; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; margin-top:0px;}
	A:link { color: #5C3900; text-decoration: underline; }
	A:visited { color: #5C3900; text-decoration: underline; }
	A:hover { color: white; background: #5C3900; text-decoration: none;}
	.greySmall{font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9px; color:#333333}

    // Obtain our environment naming context 
    Context initContext = new InitialContext(); 

    // Look up our data source 
    DataSource ds = (DataSource)initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env/jdbc/entertain");

    // Allocate and use a connection from the pool  
    java.sql.Connection conn = ds.getConnection();

    // create and execute the query
    java.sql.Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
    java.sql.ResultSet rs = null;

    String error="";




  <TD width="750" COLSPAN="2"><img src="" alt="wow 
    entertainment banner"></TD>

<HR WIDTH="750" COLOR="#5C3900" SIZE="1">

<DIV CLASS="small">


  <TD WIDTH="25"><IMG SRC="../498a/atl/images/navarrow.gif" title="arrow"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><img src="../498a/atl/images/navigation.jpg" title="Navigation"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="575" ROWSPAN="7" valign="top" align="left">
	<DIV CLASS="white_border">
	<DIV CLASS="white_border_text">
<font size="+1">All Shows Report</font>
	<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
	  <td colspan="6" align="center" bgcolor="5B0110"><font color="#eeeeee"><b>Reports for 
        All Shows</b></font></td>
	 <tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
	  <td width="80">Show ID</td>
	  <td width="120">Entertainer</td>
	  <td width="120">Venue</td>
 	  <td width="80">Date</td>
 	  <td width="80">Time</td>
 	  <td width="80">Price</td>

    try {
        rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT Show_ID, Entertainer_FK AS eName, Venue_FK AS vName, Date, Start_time, 
                                       Ticket_Price FROM Show WHERE Owner='498'");
        while( {        
            String show_id = rs.getString("Show_ID");
            String entertainer_id = rs.getString("eName");	
            String venue = rs.getString("vname");
            String date =rs.getString("Date");
            String time =rs.getString("Start_time");
            String price =rs.getString("Ticket_price");

	    int time_digit = Integer.parseInt(time);

        if((time_digit<12 && time_digit>0) || (time_digit==24)) time = time_digit + ":00am"; 
   	else if(time_digit>=12 && time_digit<=23) time = (time_digit-12) + ":00pm";

	<TD><%= show_id %></TD>
	<TD><%= entertainer_id %></TD> 
	<TD><%= venue %></TD>
	<TD><%= date %></TD>
	<TD><%= time %></TD>
	<TD>$<%= price %></TD>
    } catch (Exception exp) {
        error = exp.toString();

<H3><%= error %></H3>


  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="new 
                            entertainer form" onMouseOver="over(0)" onMouseOut="out(0)"><img 
                            NAME="entertainer" border="0"></a></TD>
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="new 
                            venue form" onMouseOver="over(1)" onMouseOut="out(1)"><img 
                            src="" NAME="venue" 
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="new show 
                            form" onMouseOver="over(2)" onMouseOut="out(2)"><img 
                            NAME="show" border="0"></a></TD>
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="new 
                            attendee form" onMouseOver="over(3)" onMouseOut="out(3)"><img 
                            NAME="attendee" border="0"></a></TD>
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="feedback 
                            form" onMouseOver="over(4)" onMouseOut="out(4)"><img 
                            NAME="feedback" border="0"></a></TD>
  <TD WIDTH="25"></TD>
  <TD WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="20"></TD>
  <TD WIDTH="25"><IMG SRC="" 
  <TD WIDTH="150"><IMG SRC="" 
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" 
    title="shows report" onMouseOver="over(5)" onMouseOut="out(5)"><img 
    src="" NAME="showreport" 
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="average 
    attendance report" onMouseOver="over(6)" onMouseOut="out(6)"><img 
    src="" NAME="attendancereport" 
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" 
    title="top entertainers report" onMouseOver="over(7)" onMouseOut="out(7)"><img 
    src="" NAME="entertainerreport" 
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="average 
    age at underage shows report" onMouseOver="over(8)" onMouseOut="out(8)"><img 
    src="" NAME="underagereport" 
  <TD WIDTH="25"></td>
  <TD WIDTH="150"><a href="" title="ratings 
    and comments report" onMouseOver="over(9)" onMouseOut="out(9)"><img 
    src="" NAME="ratingsreport" 
  <TD WIDTH="25"></TD>
  <TD WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="200"></TD>

<HR WIDTH="750" COLOR="#5C3900" SIZE="1">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
  <td width="750" valign="top" align="left">
	<div class="plain_text">
	© Copyright Wow Entertainment Inc.
	<a href="">contact us</a>
	<a href="">legal stuff</a>
	<a href="">credits</a>

Examples of Adding and Retrieving with XML directives

As seen with the class Cheese Database example, courtesy of Shawn Thomas.

Adding cheese data using the form at

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri="" %>

      INSERT INTO cheese 
        (name, qty, cost, location)
        VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)
      <sql:param value="${}" />
      <sql:param value="${param.qty}" />
      <sql:param value="${param.cost}" />
      <sql:param value="${param.location}" />
<%-- Get the new or updated data from the database --%>
<sql:query var="cheese" scope="session">
  SELECT * FROM cheese
    WHERE name = ?
  <sql:param value="${}" />

<%-- Redirect to the confirmation page --%>
<c:redirect url="confirmation.jsp" />
As seen with the class Cheese Database example, courtesy of Shawn Thomas.

Retrieving and presenting cheese data at

<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri="" %>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 

<html xmlns="">

		<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"/>

	<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
		<sql:query var="cheese" scope="request">
			SELECT * FROM cheese ORDER BY cost 
			<c:when test="${cheese.rowCount == 0}">
				<p>No cheese available.</p>
				<p>The following cheeses are available:</p>
				<table border="1">
					<c:forEach items="${cheese.rows}" var="row">
		<p><a href="/498">Index</a></p>
