FISH 497 The Puget Sound Basin and Salmon
Ocean452 - Fish453 - FM490 - QSCI499
Ocean 582A - Drainage Basin Dynamics
administration Questions or
Updated: 2003-01-10
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The Fall 2002
PRISM seminar series consisted of the following presentations. Access the talk files (PowerPoint) and animations by clicking on the links below.
October 2, Clifford Mass, Atmospheric Sci.,
The Puget Sound Regional Environmental Prediction System: An update
October 9, David Montgomery and Brian Collins, Earth and Space Sci., Historical conditions in the landscape of river basins
October 16, Paul Waddell and Marina Albertini, UW Evans School of Public Affairs and Department of Urban Design and Planning, Shaping urban features: Dynamics of urban development and land cover change
October 23, Michael Brett, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Anthropogenic impacts on Seattle area stream water quality
October 30, Richard Palmer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Water supply options for the future
November 6, Charles Simenstad, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences,
NearPRISM: Addressing the 'missing' fringe
November 13, Ray Hilborn, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences,
The importance of habitat for salmon dynamics (and recovery)
November 20, Jan Newton, Washington State Department of Ecology and UW School of Oceanography.
Modeling and observing nutrient dynamics in Puget Sound. A temperature animation can be seen here and phytoplankton here.
December 4, Allan Devol, School of Oceanography,
The Carr Inlet Case Study. The animation of ORCA data can be downloaded here.
December 11, Mitsuhiro Kawase, School of Oceanography,
Effects of changes
of forcing on Sound circulation. Model salinity animations show the
entire Sound,
Triple Junction,
Admiralty Inlet, and
Tacoma Narrows.
Questions? Contact Kate Edwards.
|   - 12-03-2002 Brown stuff a bummer for skiers: No snow on most of state`s slopes A strong ridge over the Northwest is steering Pacific Ocean moisture away from the region, leaving us dry in what should be one of the wettest times of the year.
Seattle Times Full Story
- - 11-21-2002 Spills and near-misses in area watersIn Washington and Oregon, recent history is full of oil spills and incidents that could have resulted in a spill, according to state records. Full Story
- - 11-21-2002 Area`s defining waterway is a cesspool of pollutionState and federal protectors of the environment assure us that the wholesale dumping of toxic chemicals -- from Commencement Bay to Sinclair Inlet, from Hood Canal to the Strait of Juan de Fuca -- ended a generation ago. They tell us they have cracked down on overfishing, overbuilding and overflows from sewage treatment plants. The truth is, we`re still treating the Sound like a sewer. Seattle P.I.
Full Story
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